
We'll give it a try!

We have 6... and I can think of one more I know of. 8 of us could probably manage, it would mean we would probably have to take every-other month. I really think that once we start... there will be much more interest.

I sent the co-op our info, we are good to go. I'm excited to get it pulled together. My only obstacle is the building (which we only need in poor weather) I am working on using a LDS church building, I should hear back soon. I keep you all posted on the progress.

Thanks for supporting our community... we are going to rock this!



So I went grocery shopping this morning at both Albertsons and Smiths because of the good deals that both are having. I spent a total of 165.13 but get this....it would have cost $338.95. That is over a 50% savings. Most of the things I bought were on sale and I did have about $48 in coupons. I was able to get everything I needed for my weekly menu (should last about 1 1/2 weeks) plus I got a lot of items to put in my food storage that we usually use like snacks, salad dressing, soda, and cereal. I just thought I would share this info. I spent a little time on the Savvy shoppers shopping wizard to come up with my shopping list and menu but I think it paid off.
On a side note, if it isn't too personal, how much does it cost you to feed your families? I have a family of 5 and I am trying to only spend $130 max a week on food, paper goods, diapers, etc. Do you think that is too high, too low, just about right? I am really sticking to a budget lately and I would love any suggestions. I was able to spend $165 this week because I had leftover $ from last week. I am hoping it works. Thanks to all.
I am excited to go get my co-op food on Saturday from EM. If anyone wants to catch a ride with me just let me know.


Co-op...or not to op... That is the question

I have all the information regarding starting our own co-op here in Harvest Hills.

I'm trying to decide if #1-this is a commitment I can take on, and #2 if there are enough people here interested to make it worth having our own site.

I know it's only 2-3 hours once a month, but I don't know why this is difficult. That's 12 times a year. Maybe it's the culture we live in... we already volunteer and commit our time with callings and such. One more commitment may just be a pain in the neck.

I would love for this to serve our community... if people want it. The purpose and message of the co-op is something I very strongly believe in supporting. Eating healthier...and cheaper.
I'm not an 'organic' pusher, but I personally want to try and keep fast food from replacing our family dinners around the table. Not to mention, in these tough economic times... helping each other save some money will lighten some of our financial burdens. These are the things that make me think that 2-3 hours a month is a small price to pay. I dunno...

I think I will be printing and distributing flyers this week. I would appreciate your opinions, and possibly your help in spreading the word to friends and neighbors. (I think it might be helpful to put some info in the church 'RS folders' they pass around) I've added the link to the info flyers.


I may be the only person who feels passionate about involving our community and having our own site...(I can admit that sometimes I get overly-excited about things) and if everyone just wants me to shut my trap and pick-up their food in Eagle Mountain...that's okay too!

We would need 6-10 volunteers. We could manage with less, but the more we have...the less often we would need to commit our time. It would be nice if the same people didn't have to volunteer every month. The volunteers would need to:

#1- Pick up the food from the Co-op warehouse on D-day and transport it back to the Team Site. (drive to Salt Lake, pick up the food and drop it off...fairly early on a Saturday morning)
#2-Volunteers are needed at the team site to help distribute the food to members who have ordered and will be picking up at the team site. (be at the site on Saturday morning to help the people coming and clean up empty boxes after...this would be a 2-3 hour gig)
#3- We would need a Team leader or coordinator. This person would be the contact person with the Co-op and would coordinate volunteers at the team site.

We also would need a site. I would love some feedback and/or ideas on this.

So, there you go...feel free to be honest with me. I may just need to let it go, we'll see.



Canned Eggs

A friend of mine sent some fabulous information to me last week.

She is interested in trying some canned eggs and there is a price break (with Emergency Essentials) if ordered in bulk. If we can find 12+ ladies who might be interested...we can try this out! I have heard that they are great for storage and for baking.

Here is the link to emergency essentials with more info. She would be willing to pick the order up once we have 12 or more people.
The original price is $27.95 and the bulk price for 12+ cans is $16.00 (before tax I'm sure).
I am definitely interested in trying these out! Please comment with the number of cans you want...

Happy Food Storing! Thanks Becca!


Cucumber help???

Does anyone have any tips for growing cucumbers in Harvest Hills? Ours have never done very well. The plant is still pretty small and doesn't seem to be thriving.