
Canned Eggs

A friend of mine sent some fabulous information to me last week.

She is interested in trying some canned eggs and there is a price break (with Emergency Essentials) if ordered in bulk. If we can find 12+ ladies who might be interested...we can try this out! I have heard that they are great for storage and for baking.

Here is the link to emergency essentials with more info. She would be willing to pick the order up once we have 12 or more people.
The original price is $27.95 and the bulk price for 12+ cans is $16.00 (before tax I'm sure).
I am definitely interested in trying these out! Please comment with the number of cans you want...

Happy Food Storing! Thanks Becca!


Paula said...

I'll take 2 cans @ $16.00 a can.
Paula Jorgensen 766-6317

deena said...

I would love to buy a can for $16!
Do you know what the shelf life is?

Unknown said...

just to let you know, Macey's has some on sale for 18.99. I know it isn't as cheap but if you don't get the 12 orders then this may be an option. I have tried them and they are not bad. better to cook with than to just eat straight. I think it is 2 yr shelf life but I could be totally wrong. We have had ours longer than that.