
Just a little more on Smith's

I have compared some of the prices between the case lot sale that just past at Macey's and the current case lot sale at Smith's. Smith's actually has some really great deals. A lot of items are even cheaper than what Macey's had them for last month so take advantage of this sale, especially if you missed the sale at Macey's.

Smiths vs. Macey's
Top Ramen 7 for $1 vs. 6 for $1
Chili Hormel .75 vs. no brand for .88
canned veggies = .50 vs. .59

That is just a few. Sherian is right about the peanut butter, it is an awesome deal especially for Skippy. You may need jam if you get all that PB and they have their jam on sale too. We have tried it and it is pretty good. Have fun shopping!!


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